The Good
The Bad
The ugly

An ongoing archive of mostly all my film photography. Inspired by my dad’s extensive archive of family photo albums, the majority of which are out of focus shots, random subjects, and overall zero photographic sensibility but somehow expertly captured day to day life that has allowed me to remember way more about my childhood than anyone should be able to at such a young age.

Sorted by camera, roll number, and film stock. Some of theses cameras are no longer in my possession: either sold, traded, gifted, or returned to whomever loaned it to me. You’ll know which these are because there might be only one or two rolls in their respective galleries.

There is no curation other than omitting some photos that I don’t want to be public. I’m not sharing just the best photos from each roll. Most everything will be archived here to hopefully live on beyond my useful lifetime.

The good ones. The bad ones. The ugly ones.




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